Monday, September 14, 2015

Boot Camp Journal 2

 Sometimes works leave you with a feeling that there is more to tell. Did this work do this? What do you think might happen?

Strasser's Boot Camp left me with the feeling that there is more to tell because it ends so abruptly.  It ends with Garrett's parents picking him up and telling a man in a top coat that he was beaten.  I think that it is clear that there is going to be some form of legal action taken against Lake Harmony, and that it will be shut down.  I am more concerned about what is going to happen to Garrett after this ordeal.  He is traumatized and most likely suffering from PTSD.  Pauly explained it best when he said that the things Garrett's parents sent him there for are not things that can be changed.  There was no hope for Garrett, but now he has been beaten and tortured to the point of believing that he deserved it.  I want to know what kind of treatment Garrett is going to go through and if his parents will face any consequences for sending him there.  


  1. Oh, fascinating! I wonder if it's part of a series or trilogy? I would guess that there must be, based on your analysis of the ending. I'm saddened by the abuse Garrett suffered -- what an intense topic for teenagers.

  2. Did you know that YA was once criticized for being too "happily ever after" with its endings? Can hardly believe that now--the trend now is to end these novels more try-to-life with gritty finale. I wonder about this though--do we want our students left with some kind of "lift?" Some kind of hope for characters they may associate with?

  3. Interesting notation about the PTSD! Did you see any signs that the author had that intention coming through the character's actions or dialogue? That would make for a very interesting class discussion.
